Self-service Configuration
Through the self-service console, users can add, delete, change and query the acceleration domain, also they can configure the edge node cache strategy, anti-theft chain, cache optimization, video optimization, and so on.

Content Management
Provide functions such as purging, preloading, shielding, consistency verify, domain ban to ensure that users get the latest content, effectively reduce the pressure on origin.

Log Management
Provide standard and customized logs, self-service log management, and provide detailed access logs to provide a basis for user service statistics and data analysis.

Statistical Analysis
Provide a wealth of business statistics analysis, convenient statistical report downloading, which includes multi-dimensional statistical analysis information such as bandwidth, traffic, access number, hit rate, status code, etc.

Precise scheduling
Provide DNS resolution, central 302 scheduling, edge 302 scheduling, Httpdns service, and self-owned intelligent GSLB scheduling system to accurately schedule user requests to optimal nodes.