Standard Storage Service

Kingsoft Cloud Standard Storage Service (KS3) is a highly secure and reliable distributed cloud storage service that provides large storage capacity at a low cost. KS3 allows you to conveniently store and retrieve all types of files, such as image, audio, video, and text files.
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High Reliability

KS3 is an object storage service with high reliability. KS3 provides a redundant storage that supports data replication across regions, availability zones (AZs), and devices. KS3 ensures 99.999999999% of data durability, providing a stable and reliable data storage service.

High Security

KS3 supports verification of EB-level data, AES-256 server-side encryption, and signature verification using public and private keys. KS3 also provides features such as multiple replicas, permission management for individual files, and hotlinking protection. All these security features safeguard your important data stored in KS3.

High Performance

KS3 supports data access at high concurrency and large bandwidth, and can effectively handle traffic surges. With its optimal upload and download performance, KS3 ensures excellent user experience.

Convenient Management

KS3 provides a variety of management tools, including an easy-to-use console, SDKs for multiple languages, RESTful API, and command-line tools. In addition, KS3 supports flexible access policies, audit logs, and project management. You can upload, download, and manage data anywhere and anytime.


Data Storage

KS3 provides a cost-effective storage solution that can store massive amounts of data. KS3 supports the Standard, Infrequent Access, and Archive storage classes. You can select a storage class based on your data access frequency to minimize costs.

Data Security

KS3 API supports HTTPS to ensure data security during transmission. KS3 supports client-side encryption, AES-256 server-side encryption using managed keys, and custom server-side encryption using customer-provided keys. KS3 also supports cost-effective disaster recovery and data backup through cross-region replication.

Permission Control

KS3 provides multiple methods that allow you to control permissions on files, such as ACLs for files and buckets, IAM, and role-based authorization. KS3 provides hotlinking protection that allows you to configure an IP address blacklist or whitelist for access control. KS3 also supports image protection to prevent others from using your image files without authorization.

Data Management

KS3 provides various data management features, such as lifecycle management, mirroring-based back-to-origin, hotlinking protection, cloud monitoring with Kingsoft Cloud Monitor Service, project management, and permission management.

Data Migration

KS3 allows you to migrate massive amounts of data from third-party data sources to KS3 by using KS3Up-tool. KS3 supports incremental, resumable, and concurrent upload of data. In addition, the mirroring-based back-to-origin feature allows you to migrate data to KS3 without interrupting your service.

Management Approach

KS3 allows you to manage data by using the console, RESTful API, and SDKs for multiple languages. To help you manage data, KS3 also provides the GUI tool KS3 Explorer, the command-line tool KS3Util, and the data migration tool KS3Up-tool.

Data Processing

KS3 can work with CDN by acting as the origin. CDN accelerates content delivery by allowing users to retrieve files from the CDN nodes that are closest to them. KS3 also provides features such as thumbnail, watermark, clipping, and rotation to offer high-quality image processing.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

KS3 supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) that allows web applications in one domain to interact with resources in another domain. With the CORS support, you can build rich web applications with KS3.


Massive Data Storage

Origin of Content Delivery

Data processing

Archive or Backup

Massive Data Storage

KS3 is a highly secure and reliable distributed cloud storage service that provides large storage capacity at a low cost.

Store Massive Amounts of Data

KS3 can store massive amounts of data and supports all types of files. KS3 also supports large access traffic. It provides a high public outbound bandwidth with multiple 100 Gbit/s lines and supports integration with CDN.

Origin of Content Delivery

KS3 can act as the origin for fast content delivery.

Act as the Origin for Fast Content Delivery

In scenarios where files are frequently accessed, such as in the gaming and video delivery scenarios, you can combine KS3 with CDN to achieve fast content delivery and support large access traffic and high concurrency. The content from the origin (KS3) is cached on CDN nodes. Users can retrieve the content from nearby nodes at minimal latency, which significantly improves user experience.

Data processing

KS3 supports online processing and transcoding of images and videos.

Scenario advantages

You can use the image processing API provided by KS3 to resize, clip, and rotate images stored in KS3 and convert the image format. You can use Kingsoft Cloud Media Cloud Transcoder (KMCT) to transcode videos stored in KS3.

Archive or Backup

KS3 allows you to archive or back up data at a low cost.

Archive or Back Up Data at a Low Cost

If you use KS3 to store data for archive or backup purposes, you can select the Infrequent Access or Archive storage class provided by KS3 to help reduce storage costs. This way, you can obtain high data reliability at a low cost.


Traditional File System
KS3 provides a RESTful API based on HTTP or HTTPS. KS3 allows you to upload and download data by using the PUT, POST, and GET methods, and delete data by using the DELETE method.
A traditional file system that is compatible with Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) provides functions such as open, close, read, write, and lseek for file management.
Data organization
KS3 organizes files in a flat structure that consists of two layers: the bucket layer and the object layer. Each object represents a file and must be stored in a bucket. Buckets cannot be nested. The flat structure and key-value access mode can better address data management requirements.
A traditional file system organizes files in a tree structure called a directory tree. When the stored files reach the millions, both the frequency with which the file system is accessed and the concurrent traffic per unit time will be unmanageable. In this case, the tree structure can result in high overhead and affect the underlying storage system.


Product Updates


Storage Class Change in All Regions

Change the storage class in all regions by using the API, SDK, or console
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Proportional Image Resizing

Resize images proportionally.
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KS3Up-tool V2.0.12

KS3Up-tool V2.0.12 was released. It is compatible with OpenJDK. Click Learn More to download the tool.
New Features

Process Images Encrypted by Using SSE

Process images that are encrypted by using server-side encryption (SSE).
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Deployed in the GOV_BEIJING region.
New Features

Update of the SDK for Android

KS3 SDK for Android was updated. After the update, KS3 SDK for Android supports HTTPS clients and requests.
New Features

Lifecycle Management Rules Increased

The number of lifecycle management rules allowed was increased from 100 to 1,000.
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Storage Usage and Bucket Query

Query the storage usage and the total number of buckets.
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New KS3 Console

The new version of the KS3 console was released. The new console features a redesigned UI and interactions to improve user experience.
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Archive Storage Class

Allow you to activate the Archive storage class by yourself.
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Callback and Authentication for File Upload by Using the POST Method

KS3 supports callback and authentication for file upload by using the POST method.
New Features

IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack Endpoint

KS3 supports IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack endpoints in the Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou regions.
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Cross-region Replication Supported

You can replicate data and synchronize object operations across buckets in different regions to ensure data security.
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Experience Enhancements
Experience Enhancements
Experience Enhancements

Same-region Replication Supported

You can replicate data and synchronize object operations across buckets in the same region to ensure data security.
New Features

Real-time Monitoring Supported

You can read monitoring data from Kingsoft Cloud Monitor Service (CMS) and perform other CMS-related operations by calling CMS API operations or related SDKs.
New Features

Online Migration Supported

You can easily migrate data from third-party cloud vendors to KS3 or between KS3 buckets.
New Features